KODULAR: Wallpaper App 2 [FREE AIA]


Wallpapers application made with kodular for beginners to learn and understand the process. Use this aia as you want and make great application. It’s a small application with splash screen, wallpapers and set wallpapers button. Hope you find it easy to understand.

You can also check wallpaper 1 application that I had made with appybuilder, using firebase database.



Layout 1 is splash screen, with notifier loader.

Layout 1:


Categories appear on layout 1. Add image of each category in database and make a frame for it in design view. You have to do this manually. If you have gridview extension. You can easily use that and add as many categories as you want without manually making frame for it.

Layout 2:


Layout 2 shows images of related category in a listview. You can add as many images as you want.

Layout 3:


Select image that you like from listview and make it your wallpaper on layout 3. If you want to add more functionality like download, share etc, check my old wallpaper app https://youtu.be/I-9m_1IPjzA


Database used in this project is Airtable database. For reference



Extensions used in this project is ColinTreeListView.


This app is bit slow as I have used hd images. Play arround with images sizes and if you want to make a high level app then use more secure database like MySQL etc.

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