[FREE AIA] Attendance Management System ~ KODULAR


This application is made in Kodular. It is a simple application, nothing difficult to understand. It is so easy that you will understand the blocks and the application flow, just by looking at it. So, let us get started, the first screen is the login screen. 


Now here app is not giving you the option of Register. The reason for that is that I do not want people to register to own their own because that way anyone can access the application other than the management which is not reliable. That is why I want the admin person to register the teachers and give teachers access. Once the admin logins himself, the app is going to take him towards the welcome screen on which you can see different options like subject details, teachers and students details and the option of mark attendance and then the report. You can also generate the report in this application according to date.  

Here the options teachers,subjects and students work in a similar manner. Let us take an example of option "students". When you click on this option it will take you towards the student screen and it will show you the list of students you already have. If you do not have any students, then it also gives you the option of adding a new student. Click on the add new student it will take you towards the form screen, you can fill in the student form with fields like student name, student roll number, and which subject that student belongs to. When you fill in the form it will take you back towards the students' screen and show you the list of students along with the new addition in the form of the list view. When you long-click on the list view element, you can delete a record. With the home button, you can go back to the main screen.  


Just like students, the subject and teachers work. When you click the options "teachers" it will show you all the teachers on the teachers' table in the form of the list view. You can add or delete a teacher if you want. Similarly, the "subject" option works.  

The second last option we have is "mark attendance". When you click the button, it will take you towards the screen where you can choose the subject of which you want to take attendance and the date. When you select the subject from the dropdown, it will load the data of the students according to that subject. Checking the checkbox will mark present and unchecking it will mark absent. This data will be saved as a report in MySQL. You can access it by selecting the last option which is the report. I have added some simple options in a report, but you can add more detailing in it if you want.


MySQL. If you do not know how to connect kodular with phpmyadmin. You can search it on kodular community. 


Dynamic Components

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