Showing posts from 2021

Kodular | Text To Speech

In this app, we will have a button and if the button is pressed the app will say something which is already predefined ins…

Kodular | Random Colors Generation

Since you are on my blog, I am assuming that you guys have some basic understanding of kodular like how it works, differen…

Wix or Wordpress? Which one's better?

Lets make a comparison of Wix and WordPress. First, we need to know the difference between the two.  Wix is a full website…

Why You Must Not Access The Dark Web

The dark web has been a source of attention among people from the very beginning. In such a situation, the more people try…

Google AdSense Approval On Blogger

If you are a blogger then you must have this question that can we get AdSense approval at blogger? or do we need a custom …

How To Make Money Online?

Did you know you can actually make money online? Yeah, that's right. And all you need is a computer or phone with Inte…

Best Wordpress Free Themes

One of the most important thing that attracts customers and viewers of any website is it's catchy design. I have list …

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