Online store/Online shoppping app is created with Kodular platform. The easiest application maker platform right now is Kodular with so many useful components. This application is small, easy to handle and easy to understand for beginners. Thankfully, there are lots of options present in kodular. You can add plenty of different options and functionality in it.
List of items related to categories show on screen 2. I have added only 5 items. Product data has seven fields, three images, product name, description, price and quantity in stock.
Product data appears on screen 3. User can choose size and quantity. Price increases according to product quantity selected.
Screen 4:
Screen 4 has cart data. User can delete item. Total shows the total price of all items in the cart.
Screen 5 is checkout page. Right now it not doing anything, you can add functionality.Screen6
Screen 6 is a simple thank you page. Also, it deletes all the items in the cart.Database:
Database used in this project is Airtable database. For reference see link below.Extensions:
Extension used in this project is colintreelistview.Design concept from E-Commerce mobile app ui design
You are great !! Please can you create a project like app manager with icon in list view ,,like taifun package manager...please create an aia like this,,,!!
ReplyDeletewhere is the .aia file?