Hotel Booking Application is made with kodular platform. Kodular is the most helping and easy to use platform which provides
several "modules" (services) to create Android apps without coding. It's a small application with about us, services, rooms types, events and booking pages. You can add more functionality in it.
If you use my AIA, please do not forget to mention our website.
Main page is hotel booking page, where user can give your email, room type that you want to stay in, check in date , check out date, number of guests and reserve a room. User can check room types and prices by selecting room types option.
Side bar:
About Us:
About us page is just a simple "About us" page nothing fancy. I have added dummy text for now, you can replace it with actual text.
Room Types:
User will find room types, hotel has, price and room details on this page.
Why Us:
Why us page shows services hotel is providing. Click on the image to see next image.
All hotel events appears on events page.Database:
Database used in this project is Airtable. For reference see tables below
Thank you from Brazil! Amazing work. :^)